Are you worried that your backup data is not protected in the event of a cyber attack?

Data backup and data recovery are important parts of running a business. Business Stakeholders realize three things quickly: Systems crash; Human error; and disasters which happen when least prepared to avoid them. An enterprise can be pro-active with data backup system to store massive amounts of information. Backup environment is accomplished by using an offsite server or by using separate drives. Without these data backup systems in place, data recovery becomes a perilous situation where many businesses lose information when the worst happens.

Organizations gather data from multiple sources, and their ability to collect that information is only increasing thanks to Internet of Things (IoT) devices and social media apps. All that data must be stored in ways that are both secure and accessible. Data storage refers to any number of ways that physical recording media are used to retain information read by computer systems so that it can be retrieved when needed. Storage technology has changed significantly throughout the history of computing, ranging from the magnetic drums of room-sized mainframe computers to the latest innovations in solid state drives (SSDs) or other on demand storage technologies available on:

  • Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud
  • On-Premises
  • Hybrid Cloud

How to minimize your revenue loss if the backup copy is infected?

The cyber security industry is rapidly growing every day. Although more resources are being deployed to counter cyber-attacks, the nature of the industry still has a long way to go before we can catch up with these threats.

  • 95% of cyber security breaches are due to human error
  • More than 77% of organizations do not have a Cyber Security Incident Response plan
  • Most companies take nearly 6 months to detect a data breach, even major ones
  • Approximately $6 trillion is expected to be spent globally on cyber security by 2021
  • Over 75% of healthcare industry has been infected with malware over last year
  • 43% of cyber- attacks target small business

How to make your data resilient, so you do not fall into this issue and never lose your backup data!?

NYGCI’s Cyber Resiliency is a management and automation software solution that exists to protect organizations from these potentially devastating attacks. Index Engines are available within our solution that can detect the cyber-attack, provide an alert, and report its findings. With our resiliency solution, your organization is armed with an immutable clean data vault that is isolated from production or from backup servers. Even if cyber hackers manage to infiltrate your production or backup data, our solution allows you to copy data through air-gap data governance technology.

This gives you one more line of defense against data and revenue loss while also minimizing costly downtime that could occur without a cyber recovery solution in place.